Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Block for birthday quilt

This is a block for CeCe's 'big' birthday.

Her daughter sent out a letter to family and friends, with the white square, and said have at it. And then send back to her. Our assumption was that she would work with a friend to put into a quilt for her Mom's big birthday. Actually, she put them in a photo album and CeCe gets to put them in a quilt. I actually like the photo albumn idea if you can't get something done in time, as she has been able to share all the blocks that people sent. It is amazing how many of them you can pick out by the style, the content, the technique and such. Let me tell you, this is going to be one purple quilt.

A friend of ours made one in the same style before the Bug was born. You can see it here. I treasure it. And I hope to be able to make one for someone else one day.

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