So this has been done for awhile, but life has intervened so I haven't posted it yet. This is one of the quilts I finished in my Very Productive Weekend. I even got soooo productive that I made a matching pillow case. Check it!
Isn't my little helper just the cutest?
Fabric is Sherri Berry Holiday with a white on white snowflake. I quilted (approximately) 1/4" into the white part of the 'gig. And may I just say that trying to quilt straight lines with a free motion set up, not your walking foot, is just a little harder that you think it is going to be. Seriously. But I still love it.
Oh and check out the binding. It has PIPING! So cute. I saw this tutorial at TLC Stitches and wanted to try it. And this was the perfect place to try it. I love the pop that aqua adds to this quilt. Again, a technique that is just a bit harder than you think it will be. It was the ironing that killed me on this. My iron gets very hot, and I have one of those fancy-dancy covers that is teflon or some such thing, that probably gets hotter than the iron. And you are working with a very small little area. But again, I learned so much, and I love the result. As long as I stand back. And don't have on my glasses. And I get the overall picture. And don't look too close at the stitching....
And then, since the detail on the binding added so much, I used one of my fancy stitches that came on my sewing machine that I thought I would never use, and made almost an eyelet trim along the edge of the pillowcase. Because, I mean really, if you are going to go big with the details, then you need to GO BIG with the details.
It is constantly amazing to me the affect that the smallest details have on a peice. I usually get so excited to actually get something done that I rush to finish, and miss opportunities to add a little extra here and there. I'm thinking that might be changing.
I am sooo gonna try this binding!