Sunday, September 12, 2010

Chicken Peppers

My sister Michelle turned us on to this one.

Use the sweet peppers that look like mini-bell peppers. They come in red, yellow and orange. You can usually find them at Costco or Trader Joe's.
Most of my recipes are pretty exact ingredients because I need to follow an exact recipe. This one is kind of thrown together. So if I can do it this way, so can you.
Cut about 1/3 to 1/2 off the peppers on one side the long way and clean out center. This is where the good stuff goes.
Cut up some or all of those tops and add some diced chicken, a little mayo (optional), some pesto, a little grated or diced onion and maybe a little feta cheese. Put a small amount in each pepper and serve. Watch them disappear. (Don't forget to put out a little something for the pepper tops for people to discard.)

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