As you can see in all its glory the room is a jumble of plastic storage bins with fabric, books, crafty things, a folding table, an ironing board and lord knows what else is in there. Oh yeah, Christmas was in this room too. You know - the staging area for Christmas where everything gets stashed. Not very inspiring or creative. But I have been getting some things done. The one huge benefit to the room the way it is is that I have an entire blank wall to use as a design wall. It is awesome! (Aside from the junk.)
We really do have a good excuse for the delay. In this room and in the living room, both on the front of the house, the carpet smells musty. And that is kind of an uh-oh situation. So it took us a while to figure it out. The verdict is that we have a bit of a standing water situation at the front of the house so it is seeping in through the slab. We have been taking care of that and now think we are fine. All this was happening close to the holidays. We knew we needed to peel back the carpet, replace the tack strips and pad, then put the carpet back down and clean it. But no way was that going to happen with a 7' Christmas Tree in the corner. So we waited. The man has finished the living room and now the guest room needs to be done. It is just a matter of finding a few Bug-less hours for him to get at it.
Then we can continue down the road of putting the bed in place. And now we have a deadline. My BFF is coming to visit for a weekend at the end of March. And it better be nice and pretty by then.....
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